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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Success of the mind.

Today I woke up and started the day like any other day, slept pretty well for the wind storm that seemed to threaten my Harley that was parked outside. Worries started then but were shook off with the reminder of the importance of insurance peace of mind. For a man that calculates the majority of my of the time the steps one must take to achieve success. In the morning I recall the events of preparation for my day but up until the coffee pot all random acts had been programmed recall. For the most time efficient most effective way of getting ready. But at the coffee pot I was faced with the first choice of the day. I reached for a cup and realized I had a choice of which to pick. I paused and pondered at the idea of choice and free will. Do choices determine the outcome of my success?  I reached for a cup and quickly changes up my decision just on the random chance that choices shape who we are and who we will become. Today was a day that I would consider more successful than the rest. Is it devine, luck, free will. Is it what I consider success yes but to another no. The choice of my choosing only reflects its action in the light of which I see or now that I have shared in makes one ponder can I start my day different and re shape my exisentce in destiny.

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